Follow The Light

Minimalistische Fotografie einer Wendeltreppe in einem verlassenen Hotel in Portugal.


Obwohl so bezeichnet, diente dieser fast 30 Meter tiefe Brunnen nie als Wasserquelle. Er versteckt sich in einem
luxuriösen Park in Portugal, den einst eine Adelige auf ihrem Anwesen errichtete. Park und Brunnen sind heute in
Gemeindebesitz, zählen zum UNESCO Weltkulturerbe und sind öffentlich zugänglich. Der fälschlicherweise so
genannte Brunnen diente als Stätte esoterischer Initiationsriten.


Einladende Treppe in einer üppig großen Villa in Italien.

Newton's Cradle

Treppenhaus eines verlassenen Waisenhauses in Italien.

Solar Eclipse

Die Sonnenscheibe am Boden hinter dem Eingang in ein von Wind und Wetter stark in Mitleidenschaft gezogenes Schloss

Climbing Stairs

Rollstuhl in einem Treppenhaus eines verlassenen Krankenhauses.

Face to Face

Staircase in an abandoned nursery home

Shadow Stairs

Stiegenhaus in einem verlassenen italienischen Palazzo

Crumbling Stairs

Another magnificent staircase in an Italian mansion. Some of the stairs are already missing. While decay is slowly making its way inside, the architectural beauty still remains.


Durch die Gänge dieses Palazzo nördlich von Rom pfeift der Wind. Der Brunnen im Garten ist mit dichtem Efeu überwachsen. Was bleibt, ist die Architektur: Die einst prunkvollen Räume sind völlig leer.

Five O'clock Tea

There is not much left of what once used to be a charming mansion in a pine forest. However, at least the kettle survived.

Watch Your Step

Captured in the abandoned Villa BE, an old brick mansion which features a magnificent stair case with a huge glass window.

Stained Staircase

Captured in the abandoned Villa BE, an old brick mansion which features a magnificent stair case with a huge glass window.


A waterfall inside an abandoned foundry. Several rusty furnaces are still in place. So far there is absolutely no vandalism. Unfortunately though, this place is slowly rotting away.

Spiral at School

Treppenhaus in einer aufgelassenen Schule im ehemaligen Ostdeutschland

Slow Approach

Also known as Prizer Fac or Pritzker Fac this abandoned university campus features wainscoted rooms, an auditorium and an impressive staircase. Some of the buildings are still in use, most parts however are abandoned, some of the roofs already collapsed. Thus, it's just a matter of time before this place will be gone.

Downside Up

Captured in the abandoned Preventorio Rocco, Italy.

Pritzker Staircase

Also known as Prizer Fac or Pritzker Fac this abandoned university campus features wainscoted rooms, an auditorium and an impressive staircase. Some of the buildings are still in use, most parts however are abandoned, some of the roofs already collapsed. Thus, it's just a matter of time before this place will be gone.

Foyer Banister

Captured in the abandoned Power Mower Mansion. Buildt in the 16th century it once was a luxurious residential building which later was converted into a psychiatric hospital for children. Everything that reminds of a madhouse has been removed by now, probably due to its doubtful history during these years. However, some luxury of the past has survived until now.


Eingangshalle eines italienischen Palazzo.


Hauptstiege eines aufgelassenen Waisenhauses in Italien

Double Stairs - Ground Floor

Staircase in an abandoned military base


Stars inside an abandoned Factory in Austria.

Green Foyer

Aufgang zum Balkon eines Theaters in einer ehemaligen Irrenanstalt

Lead Me Up

Discovered inside a tiny Italian mansion.

First Floor

Fenster im ersten Stock eines Treppenhauses

Beneath the Surface

Treppen unter dem Kontrollraum eines verlassenen Kraftwerkes